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Eatons have experience in representing healthcare professionals when confronted with issues and accusations against them in their professional capacity.  Doctors, Dentist, Nurses and other healthcare professionals can find themselves in front of the GMC, GDC, NMC and the HCPC with a disciplinary hearing.  Healthcare Professionals can often fall foul of allegations of misconduct or mistreatment and at these times, they will receive a letter from their regulating authority.

Take for example, a nurse off shift at home when the post arrives and she opens the letter to see that it is from the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) alleging various grounds of misconduct by him. It would be at that point that he wouldn’t know where to turn or who could help him fight his corner. Such allegations should never be ignored and healthcare professionals should be able to access the support and guidance through this traumatic and daunting time. 

Here at Eatons, we would always strongly recommend that legal advice is sought early to ensure the healthcare professional has a maximum chance of obtaining the best outcome. In some cases the NMC may in fact decide not to pursue the matter any further and they close down the case file when presented with valid and coherent grounds of defence. Alternatively, if the NMC decide to pursue the case further then it is imperative for the healthcare professional to have the best access to justice that they can from specialists who know the legal area and have the right approach.

When Eatons Solicitors are instructed to act on behalf of the healthcare professional we will take full instructions from you on the paperwork provided and we will advise you on the likely outcome of the case. Our lawyers will ensure you are given thorough advice on the potential outcomes to your matter but also they will help you on a step by step basis through the process. 

professional bodies such as the NMC function under their own rules and guidance and these are large documents to digest and to ensure that you comply with and here at Eatons, we can take that stress from you during this very difficult time. We will also assist you in identifying and locating potential witnesses to support your defence and in the drafting of the statements themselves. If the matter progresses through the system resulting in a final hearing then Eatons can ensure that you have the appropriate representation at your hearing to afford you the best outcome possible. 

If you would like to speak to one of our lawyers or if you know someone that may be in this difficult situation then please do contact our office or pass on our details. We offer a free half hour consultant and there is no obligation to proceed to instruct one of our lawyers if you choose not to at that stage. We can assist throughout the full duration of your case therefore from the moment allegations are put forward to representation at the final hearing or alternatively, we can just assist you with a particular stage.

Mental health is an important part for Healthcare Professionals read about how we contributed to mental health research

Please contact Eatons on 0800 988 1155